Overwatch Retribution

Currently my pc is out of service for a while, so I’m very limited on what games to play on my much slower laptop. Surprisingly, Overwatch is one of those games I can still play!...barely. It takes a while to load everything and there is a slight input lag, but I can still play the game. Of course it’s not optimal for any serious pvp matches, so thank goodness this event came when it did. This really goes to show that Overwatch needs more pve content, as I thought the Retribution mission was outstanding. It’s like an improved version over last year’s event (which was also amazing). Everything about it I loved. The overall presentation, the use of ingame cutscenes (ala WoW), the variety of enemies, the level design. If only Blizzard can make a permanent version of one these events I’ll be golden, but for now these event-only missions will do.

How was the event for you? It’s almost over so there’s time to get the skins you want. As of now, I was only able to get the new Reaper skin, but I play him often, so that’s cool! I wouldn’t mind getting just one more skin, however it’s not a big deal. Let me know what you think in the comments!