
Greetings, and a late Happy New Years! This year is complely flying, as we're almost in May! It's good to be back here after being MIA for a bit. Sometimes real life can get in the way of things you enjoy, but I knew I would come back eventually! Just had to chime in and say "Helloooo, I'm still here!"

In the beginning of this site’s creation I was trying to be more of a gaming news blog. Trying to keep up with everything that’s going on in the game world is a mission for sure. I decided to scale it back and write about things that interest me. I will still show products I think are cool and I’ll continue to do reviews of games I think others should play. Thinking about it, my format isn't going to change, if at all! Eh, sometimes I just like to ramble.

I’m still in the life-rebuilding phase, but I couldn’t let my site sit and rot! In the meantime, please enjoy my past posts as I prepare my return with plenty of content. What a year this is shaping up to be!