Battle for Azeroth

So Blizzcon is here again! I swear one day I will make the trip to Anaheim. In the meantime, I can talk about the main things I found interesting about Day 1. First things first, World of Warcraft's new expansion! Even though I haven't played much of Legion outside the first couple of months, I always looked forward to the next chapter of WoW and where the story goes. I'm a little 'meh' on the whole Alliance vs. Horde struggle, but it looks like they are doing in-game things that are a little eye opening and, dare I say, pretty cool.

Allied Races

This was heavily hinted on prior to the announcement, thanks to dataminers. Horde will get the Nightborn, Highmountain Tauren, and Zandalari Trolls. Alliance will receive Lightforged Dranei, Void Elves, and Dark Iron Dwarves. More options for races are always welcome, and with how long WoW has existed, it's about damn time they open the racial options a bit. The cool thing about the new races is that there will be more in the future. Looking forward to seeing some race variations for the Gnomes, Orcs, Humans, and possibly Undead.

New Level Scaling

One of the things I enjoyed when I did play Legion was how the new zones worked with level scaling. Being able to play zones in in any order was very refreshing, so I'm glad they brought the same tech to the rest of the game. There are some stipulations, however. The content will be locked by levels, meaning that you will still need to be a certain level to play the later level zones. For instance, you will be able to level in all the zones between level 1-40 in any order. Then you go the 40-60 zones. Past expansions will combine, so that means you can go straight to Northerned after hitting level 60 instead of starting at the portal for Burning Crusade, something I don't look forward to when I level. Now I can skip the entire expansion if I want. Same with Cataclysm and Mists of Panderia. I never really played Cata when it was out, so I'm not upset that I can skip straight to Pandaland after hitting level 80. That, alone, is something that may bring me back to the game, outside of the new expansion, of course.

WoW Classic

Not necessarily expansions news, but still something big to talk about! After years and years of feedback for Vanilla servers, the people will finally get what they asked for. Me, personally, I don't care much about going back to a time where I wasn't there. My WoW life started in Burning Crusade right after Black Temple release. Depending on how they monetize this, I may check this out. They didn't give a lot of information regarding how the servers will work, except the fact that it's currently in development. This is great for those who just wanted to relive the classic WoW experience. Just look at all the private servers that popped up throughout the years. Speaking of which this may kill most, if not all, those servers. We shall see in the near future.

There's a bunch more features included in this next expansion including a new battleground, a one severrule set (PvP and PvE servers will combined) but these are the three that stuck out to me the most. Until next time!